Daily Planning Routine

Daily Planning Routine

Recommended Frequency:


Cal Newport's Deep Questions Podcast Episode 258

Inspired By Creator

Cal Newport is an MIT-trained computer science professor at Georgetown University who also writes about the intersections of technology, work, and the quest to find depth in an increasingly distracted world.

What's Inside - See The Protocols

You can customize this routine to suit your needs, so anything you don't like, change or skip it!

Weekly Planning Session

Weekly Planning Session

7:00 AM 60m

Spend 30-60 minutes once or twice a week reviewing your commitments and mapping out a plan for the upcoming week. Determine how much time you need to dedicate to different areas of focus and schedule accordingly in your calendar. As Gödel noted, 'Better to plan less and actually carry it out' - so aim for a realistic yet productive schedule.

Map out a realistic yet productive schedule for the week ahead, allocating time for your key priorities and responsibilities. As Gödel said, 'Better to plan less and actually carry it out.'

Look over your current obligations, deadlines, and areas of focus for the upcoming week.

Daily Time Blocking

Daily Time Blocking

12:30 PM 15m

Each morning or evening, review and adjust your schedule for the upcoming day. Block out dedicated time slots for your key tasks and responsibilities based on the weekly plan you created. As Gödel did, 'Come up with time management every evening' to structure your day productively.

In your calendar or planner, block out dedicated time slots for your key tasks and responsibilities based on your weekly plan. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day.

Look over the weekly schedule you created to identify your priorities for the day ahead.

What You'll Get
  • 💪
    Intentional Time Allocation
    Mapping out your week in advance allows you to be intentional about how you spend your limited time, increasing productivity and focus.
  • Realistic Expectations
    By planning less but following through, as Gödel advised, you can set achievable goals and build a sense of accomplishment.
  • 💪
    Increased Focus
    Dedicating specific time blocks for tasks helps minimize distractions and context switching, allowing you to work with greater focus.
  • 💪
    Productivity Boost
    Having a structured plan for your day makes it easier to prioritize important work and use your time effectively.
What you need to get started
As recommended by the creator

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