Morning Mindset & Focus

Morning Mindset & Focus

Recommended Frequency:

Daily on weekdays

Start your day with a mindful routine to cultivate gratitude and set intentions for deep, focused work. This routine combines gratitude journaling with a focused work session to prime your mind for productivity.

Inspired By Creator

This is an automated archive of Lex Fridman Archive video content. Not affiliated with or endorsed by the original content creator. For original videos, please visit the official channels.

Inspired By Guest

This is an automated archive of Travis Oliphant Archive video content. Not affiliated with or endorsed by the original content creator. For original videos, please visit the official channels.

What's Inside - See The Protocols

You can customize this routine to suit your needs, so anything you don't like, change or skip it!

Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude Journaling

7:00 AM 10m

Begin your day by reflecting on things you're grateful for and writing them down. This simple practice can boost your mood and cultivate a positive mindset. 🙏

Open your journal and write down the things you're grateful for in detail. Describe why you're grateful for each item.

Find a comfortable and quiet space where you can journal without distractions.

Take a few moments to reflect on at least three things you're grateful for today.

Take a moment to read over your gratitude journal entry from today.

Deep Focus Session

Deep Focus Session

7:20 AM 90m

After your gratitude practice, transition into a focused work session to tackle your most important tasks. This protocol utilizes the Pomodoro technique to boost productivity. 🍅

After your break, reflect on your progress so far and identify your next steps for the task.

Select one important task or project you need to focus on during this session.

25 minute focus sprint

0% (25m)

Set a timer for 25 minutes. During this time, work solely on your chosen task without distractions or context switching.

5 minute break

0% (5m)

When the 25 minute timer goes off, take a 5 minute break to recharge. Get up, stretch, grab a snack or drink.

What You'll Get
  • 💪
    Positive Mindset
    Gratitude journaling can help cultivate a more positive outlook and appreciation for the good things in life. 🌈
  • 💪
    Reduced Stress
    Reflecting on what you're grateful for can lower stress levels and improve overall well-being. 💆‍♀️
  • 💪
    Increased Focus
    The Pomodoro technique helps you stay focused by working in short, distraction-free sprints followed by breaks. 👨‍💻
  • 💪
    Boosted Productivity
    Working in timed intervals can help you power through tasks and get more done in less time. ⏰
What you need to get started
As recommended by the creator

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