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We all experience anxiety, and sometimes it can feel like we're locked in an endless cycle of stress and worry. But what if, instead of seeing anxiety as a curse, we could recognize it as a unique gift?
This routine helps you:
Identify anxious thoughts
Convert them into actionable tasks
Take steps to address your concerns proactively
By transforming anxiety-inducing 'what-if' thoughts into productive action steps, you can break free from the worry cycle and move forward with purpose.
This concept was discussed in a conversation with Dr. Mark Williamson, recorded at a live Action for Happiness event on December 14, 2022.*
Begin each morning with a routine designed to reduce anxiety and set a positive tone for the day ahead. This routine includes:
Box breathing exercise
Short physical activity
Mindset reframing practice
# Reframing Anxiety
We all experience anxiety, and sometimes it can feel like we're locked in an endless cycle of stress and worry. But what if, instead of seeing anxiety as a curse, we could recognize it as a unique gift?
This content is based on a conversation with Dr. Mark Williamson, recorded at a live Action for Happiness event on 14 Dec 2022.*
Appreciate Moments of 'Microflow' to Enhance Well-being
We all experience anxiety, and sometimes it can feel like we're locked in an endless cycle of stress and worry. But what if, instead of seeing anxiety as a curse, we could recognize it as a unique gift?
This routine helps you:
Recognize small moments of joy and flow
Appreciate these moments more deeply
Use these experiences to offset anxious feelings
By identifying and appreciating moments of 'microflow' throughout your day, you can enhance well-being and counterbalance anxiety.
This conversation with Dr. Mark Williamson was recorded at a live Action for Happiness event on 14 Dec 2022.*
We all experience anxiety, and sometimes it can feel like we're locked in an endless cycle of stress and worry. But what if, instead of seeing anxiety as a curse, we could recognize it as a unique gift?
This routine helps you:
Reflect on your own anxiety experiences
Identify how these experiences can help you understand others
Practice using your anxiety-derived insights to support others
# Learn More
This concept was discussed in a conversation with Dr. Mark Williamson, recorded at a live Action for Happiness event on 14 Dec 2022.