The Draw Breath technique focuses on fully exhaling and then inhaling for as long as possible. This routine helps:
Increase lung capacity
Improve breath control
Enhance oxygenation of the body
Promote relaxation and mental focus
# Join Us
Join us in the Aro Ha room with Retreat Leader, Fraser Beck, for a breath work session. We will learn to use the breath as a tool for bringing calm and stillness to the mind.
The Cyclic 5 breathing technique is designed to synchronize your breath and cultivate mental clarity. This routine helps:
Increase oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood
Improve focus and concentration
Reduce stress and anxiety
Enhance overall respiratory function
# Join Us for a Breath Work Session
Join us in the Aro Ha room with Retreat Leader, Fraser Beck, for a breath work session. We will learn to use the breath as a tool for bringing calm and stillness to the mind.
Join us in the Aro Ha room with Retreat Leader, Fraser Beck, for a breath work session. We will learn to use the breath as a tool for bringing calm and stillness to the mind.
# About the Technique
The Regenerative Breathing technique involves continuous cyclic breathing for an extended period. This routine helps:
Promote deep relaxation
Regenerate the physical body
Enhance body awareness
Facilitate emotional release and healing
Come experience the power of breath in this transformative session!
Join us in the Aro Ha room with Retreat Leader, Fraser Beck, for a breath work session. We will learn to use the breath as a tool for bringing calm and stillness to the mind.
The Towel Breath technique focuses on expanding the lower abdomen during inhalation and drawing it back during exhalation.