Boost Dopamine using Fasting, Caffeine and Cold

Boost Dopamine using Fasting, Caffeine and Cold

Recommended Frequency:

3-4 x week, dose dependency reductions. Do after training AND on rest days.

Use fasting, caffeine, and cold exposure to boost your cognitive function and mental clarity

Inspired By Creator

I am a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. In 2021, I launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in Science, Education, and Health & Fitness

What's Inside - See The Protocols

You can customize this routine to suit your needs, so anything you don't like, change or skip it!

Fasting for greater metabolic changes

Fasting for greater metabolic changes

6:30 AM 180m

Fast before cold exposure to have a greater effect on metabolism, resilience and so on.

Fasting for increased metabolic gains

Ingest Caffeine to enhance dopamine

Ingest Caffeine to enhance dopamine

6:45 AM 5m

Ingest 300 mg (2-3 cups of coffee) to increase striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptor availability in the human brain.

Dosed on caffeine

Deliberate Cold Exposure

Deliberate Cold Exposure

7:00 AM 5m

Cold exposure is a very reliable stimulus for increasing norepinephrine and epinephrine, and can be leveraged to build up resilience, grit, and improve metabolism

Some people tolerate the cold better than others, so the key is to aim for a temperature that evokes the "I want to get out of this" reflex, but for which you can safely stay in. Anywhere from 60°F to 45°F

Movement removes the thermal layer the body creates and makes it more challenging. Keep hands and feet submerged.

Lasted for:

0% (5m)

Duration of cold exposure

"Walls" represent times when you are uncomfortable in which you are forcing your top-down (prefrontal cortex) control.

Teach your mind how to stay "online", and overcome discomfort

What You'll Get
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Enhanced resilience/grit
  • Improved metabolism
  • Greater cold tolerance
  • Boosted norepinephrine and epinephrine
  • Cold induces alertness, do it early in the day
What you need to get started
As recommended by the creator

What do I need to start this routine?


Cold Shower

Ice Bath

Cold Water (Lake/Pool)

Read the Nature Article

Try It Out, Adjust As You Go!
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